From Fields to Cups
Show Some Love to Our Farmers
Tip the Farmer creates an opportunity for tea and cacao lovers everywhere to directly tip the farmers who produce the exceptional product we enjoy. From farmer to producer to customer its people that make tea or cacao great and your appreciation can help to grow farmers and change communities.
We help tea and cacao-farming families, cooperatives, and community-based organizations identify challenges, resources, and strategies to build long-term solutions to increase production and quality of the product they grow and ultimately to improving their communities as a whole. We don’t assume we know what the farmers need, instead, we help communities identify locally appropriate solutions and strategies – and support them in making these a reality.

Our 'Tip the Farmer' initiative lets you express your gratitude directly to the hardworking farmers who make each sip memorable. Support the communities behind your favorite brews and play a role in sustaining the rich tapestry of African agriculture.